Unilever, Leeds Supply Upgrade 11kV Contestable Connection & Private Infrastructure Works


IUS completed the electrical construction works associated with Unilever’s supply upgrade at ...




Unilever, Leeds Supply Upgrade


Unilever, Coal Lane, Leeds

  • Outline and detailed design
  • 11kV Contestable connection work
  • On site private 11kV infrastructure work
  • Procurement of equipment
  • Installation of DNO and private 11kV switchgear
  • Installation of 11kV cables
  • Modifications of the existing 11kV ring
  • Heavy lifting operations
  • Testing and commissioning
  • Preparation of handback documentation

IUS completed the electrical construction works associated with Unilever’s supply upgrade at their site in Leeds. In order to provide a 4.3MVA supply, a new 11kV Distribution Network Operator (DNO) substation was required, as well as new private 11kV switchgear and transformers. IUS were appointed to undertake the design and installation of the 11kV contestable elements of the connection works along with the private 11kV and LV infrastructure.


The project involved extending the DNO’s local 11kV network c. 220m to a point on Unilever’s site and supplying and installing a new 11kV intake substation complete with an 11kV metered ring main unit.

Modifications to the existing 11kV private network were required to facilitate the connection upgrade as well as the supply and installation of an 11kV switchboard, local 11kV ring main units, 11,000/433V transformers and a low voltage switchboard. Due to the nature of the site, IUS were required to work to a tight programme. The contract was delivered to the agreed timescales.


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