Lochend Windfarm 33kV Contestable Cable Circuit Installation

Lochend Windfarm

IUS completed the installation of two 33kV cable circuits, which form part of the ...


Lochend Windfarm


33kV Cable Ploughing


Caithness, Scotland

  • Ploughing of two 33kV cable circuits
  • Installation of fiber optic cable for entire route
  • 33kV cable jointing and testing
  • Duct installations for road crossings
  • Procurement of equipment
  • Provision of specialised vehicles for site access
  • Provision of full GPS tagged as laid records

IUS completed the installation of two 33kV cable circuits, which form part of the Lochend windfarm connection works. This was a challenging route and IUS implemented cable ploughing technology.


The contestable connection design required the installation of 18km of 33kV cabling across two feeders between the existing Distribution NetworkOperator (DNO) point of connection and the new windfarm. The route was across soft peat and through mature forestry. Due to environmental restrictions the works were completed in December and January, which presented additional challenges.

The use of cable ploughing techniques and low ground pressure bearing equipment significantly reduced the installation timescales and disruption to the ground conditions. A Hagglund ATV was deployed to ensure safeaccess and egress to the sites at all times.


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